Is Earth Day Cancelled?

Is Earth Day Cancelled?

Not quite yet—but we've got some ways to turn it around for good.

Earth Day is April 22, and even though forced holidays can be corny (and greenwashing can be abundant), it’s tough to get jaded on something as amazing as nature. Instead, we’re thinking, “You know what? The Earth is great. Let’s go all out to honor her and plug into the planet before it’s too late. Who knows? Maybe we can even turn this crazy world around, since we know it’s not too late.”

That’s why every morning of Earth Week, we’ll post an act of kindness for the planet, plus real data about how the act helps the earth and helps you save money, lower stress, and live the life you keep talking about wanting. (Ahem.) And because we love you, here’s an early peek at #EarthWeek goals that are actually doable, and why they really work. That way, we can overcome our "collective action problem" and take small steps in our own lives that lead to bigger changes everywhere. (Cool, right?)

Don’t worry if you can’t do everything. This is about small steps, not getting overwhelmed and frozen. But here’s one way to make it even easier and more fun: Team with a friend to double your impact, share your progress on social media to amplify how easy it is to help the earth and help yourself, and be the (solar-powered) light you want to see in the world.

What is the goal of wildlife conservation? To help animals live as they did before human interference. A key example is what's happening right now: It’s spring migration season, but birds, bees, and other pollinators get confused and even hurt when there’s too much artificial light during dawn and dusk. Help them out—and save cash on your electric bill—by turning off the lights you’re not using from 5-7 AM and 5-7 PM. (Especially your porch lights and those facing big windows!)

Taking public transit can cut carbon emissions by 55%! Swap one of your Ubers for a bus or train to lessen some of your individual climate impact, save money, avoid surge pricing, and of course, peep on what people are wearing and reading in your neighborhood.

Over 10% of U.S. homes needed food in 2020—even though nearly 40% of food goes to waste nationwide. Infuriating, right? But it’s actually pretty easy to help. If you’ve got canned food you swore you’d eat—the chickpeas you bought on your health kick that languish in your pantry; the bag of kale you nabbed at yesterday’s grocery run that keeps getting ignored in favor of fries—don’t judge yourself. Instead, take the unopened and fresh food you know you’ll never use and bring it to a local food bank, mutual aid drop-off site, or community fridge. You’ll help reduce the methane emissions that come from unused food and you’ll help nourish your neighbors.

Do you know who’s in charge of your city’s composting, energy grid, and public parks? Time to find out. Learning the names of your local officials makes them real—not just “some government people”—and makes it easier to contact them for information, advocacy, and solutions to everything from accessible bike lanes to biodiversity in your local park. To get started, find your local reps and learn when and where your local community boards are meeting. (AND F**KING REGISTER TO VOTE!)

If you’re a WE reader, you already know that going outside for just 17 minutes a day can boost mood, lower stress, and even lead to better sex. So take a hike, hang out in your yard, tune into a podcast while sitting in the park—whatever you’re up to, celebrate Earth Day 2022 by actually hanging out with the Earth.

Earth Week Calendar
