Reminder: Go Outside ☀️

Reminder: Go Outside ☀️

Studies show that spending just 17 minutes per day outside helps heighten your mood, focus, sleep, and even sex drive. Here's how.


Go outside for 17 minutes.

Studies show that spending just 17 minutes per day outside helps heighten your mood, focus, sleep, and even sex drive. Some examples:

bulletStudents at the University of Michigan experienced 20% better memory after taking a walk through a local park.

bulletPeople in Japan were 55% more relaxed after spending the weekend in a forest—and 23% more relaxed for the next month in their regular lives.

bulletDirect exposure to sunlight can increase libido by as much as 40%.

bulletHikers at UC Berkeley had 46% better creative thinking skills after returning from their trek.

Go Outside for 17 Minutes

1 Scientific Reports journal

2 University of Michigan psychology department

3 International Journal of Environmental Health

4 Cell Reports journal

5 UC Berkeley
