Office Desk
Small Steps

These 3 Steps Can Make Your Office More Sustainable

Saving energy and improving air quality are easier than you think—and you'll feel happier at work, too!

If your case of The Mondays has slid into Tuesday, there’s a small step you can take to elevate your work mood: Level up your desk.

Research shows we spend an average of 5 hours and 41 minutes per day sitting at our desks, whether that’s in-office or working from home. But that kind of stasis wreaks havoc on our spine, and our creative muscles, too.

A quick shift in how we connect with our workspace can help, especially if the strategy includes how we move our bodies, how we engage our minds, and (you had to know this was coming…) how we connect to the planet.

Turning off your computer at the end of each workday can save energy and protect your hard drive from unnecessary spam downloads. Unplugging it every night can cut down on electricity use by 10%, which means if you're working from home, a $100 energy bill goes down to $90 every month. Why leave money on the table... or, uh, laptop?

A potted plant is proven to increase feelings of wellbeing and boost creative thinking during work hours, says science. It can also boost your Instagram follows, at least if you get one of these influencer-approved varieties. Crazy, but true!

We’re not gonna tell you to give up your morning (or afternoon) coffee. We are going to suggest sourcing your workday java from a certified B-Corp company, which ensures all employees and growers are treated fairly, and so is the planet. One to try: The woman-owned Joe Bean Roasters, which has won awards for yumminess and ethics. Also, don’t forget to bring your reusable mug…

Even if your office isn’t pet-friendly, you can still bring a downward dog. Grab an office chair without wheels, and place your palms flat on the seat, right in front of the seatback. (Like this!) Take a few steps back and release your spine and neck to the floor, breathing deep into the modified yoga stretch.

Small Steps