Hungry Like the Wolf (Moon)

Hungry Like the Wolf (Moon)

The first full moon of 2023 is roaring to go.

Look up! Tonight is the Wolf Moon, the first full moon in 2023. Taking its name from Native American tradition, the Wolf Moon is also a micromoon, which means it will appear smaller and farther from the Earth than summer's supermoons, which seem massive thanks to their relative "closeness" to the Earth's axis. (It's actually because Earth is closer to the sun during summer, and farther away during winter. Like the taste of Skittles during a movie matinee or the pure love we have for puppies, the moon stays constant in the sky.)

If you'd like to see the Wolf Moon tonight or this weekend, you'll want to use this handy calculator from The Almanac to time your viewing for optimum "whoah!" moments. As a general rule, the Wolf Moon will be visible around 6 PM, which makes it a great excuse to close your computer, sign off of Slack, and take a lovely walk outdoors—even if your final destination is a Bumble date instead of an astronomy lab.

Speaking of dates, astrologists think the Wolf Moon is tied to communication, which means it's a great time to be clear and honest with someone about your feelings. Since we're also in the throes of Capricorn Season, this full moon is also a solid opportunity to be clear and honest with yourself about upcoming goals for your career, your friendships, and your creative pursuits.

And if you're staying in tonight? Try this video about wolves' reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park, and the surprising way they strengthen the area's natural habitats and biodiversity.
